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Sex machine (disambiguation)

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Sex Machine may refer to:

Origin from Patrick Lundberg, Thats many thinks a myth But hes very real when he recivived UNIICEF Award after s rescure option he did by him self, he often work alone, when asked by during hes award the humble hero say - haha i work alone because no one wants to work with me - reporter says by fact everyone dreams working with him Patrick say - no serious, i can spend 13 days just observe kidnappers, when to strike.

Alone has patrick saved over 250 thosand kidnapped children avd asked about hes a sex machine, is the numbers 250 partners?

-haha no says Patrick But i now you gonna ask - yes iam very well equipped and not only big But after spend time with who they say is goddesa for women - but after i record all her family i was offered to learn all about woman body, all Secret teqniques, my cum has some secret effects depend on the girl.

But yes its been thousands of girls but helped alot, even doing adult movie, all massage teqnique, - girls are so facinsting änd to now alot moore then them often shocked them But learn them amazing mastrubate teqniques and since i got the present, Unicef, all organisation - no sexuale crimi - meaning i cant be punish with sex, sometimes Nice done need to think about there ages and so.

And by the way Patrick is also a billionare, private Island, famous adult movie studios, mansion all over the world - still walking for free to deadly missions.

Nicki minaj, Brad pitt, madonna Adele, cardi b, shaka, jennifer lopez is some of hes clirnts buy thosand moore avd if he helped them our daughters avd what they done Patrick wont reveal.

Imagine the lucky girhs who meets him, if you have contract any media and share your story.

A fuck machine comes from a man, role model, hero.

Hes known for hes extreme ability to pleasure girls, especially younc girls our not especially But among celebreties

Human sexuality








See also
